How to Configure the Server SMTP Account
RecPro can be configured with a server SMTP account. When configured you will get additional options including system notifications and the ability to create future dated emails. Having a server account also allows staff members to send email without needing to setup a SMTP account of their own. Because this account is sending system generated notifications and possibly email from multiple staff members you should use a generic account for this setup. (Ex.
NOTE: All emails sent to the server account go to a queue located in the RecPro database. The server installed application then picks up this queue based on the frequency entered under 'Server Checks/Sends E-Mail Every XXX Minutes'. See step 2 below.
This configuration can be found under 'Setup' -> 'Administrative Tools' -> 'Server E-mail Setup'.
1. Enable Server E-Mail Account - Mark this box to turn on the server email account.
2. Server Checks/Sends Email Every - How often the RecPro server picks up the email queue.
3. Send Option -
- Send All E-Mails from Server - All emails created within RecPro will be sent by the server account and does not give staff an option to send from their own SMTP setup.
- Send E-Mails from User E-Mail Account - Allows staff users to enter a separate SMTP account tied to their login. The server account will still handle system notifications, and future dated e-mails. When this is checked all staff generated emails will be sent through the user email setup for any email created under their login.
4. Outgoing Mail Server - Address to your providers email server. This can be entered as a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or an IP address. (Ex.
5. Port - Secure or unsecure port number used by the email server to accept relay. (Ex. 25 or 587)
6. Enable SSL - Mark this box if your email provider requires SSL or TLS encryption. (RecPro defaults to TLS 1.2)
7. Username - Email address or username of the SMTP relay account being configured.
8. Password - Passcode for the username entered in step 4.
9. Display Name - This is seen as the senders name on the receiving end of your emails.
10. From/Reply - The email recipient will see this as the originating address of your emails. If they reply to your message it will go to this address.
11. Test Local SMTP Settings - Use this button to test the SMTP configuration. You will be asked to enter an email address to send the test to after pressing this button.
Other Useful Links
How to Create a Scheduled E-mail