How to Setup and Use System Notifications
RecPro has the ability to send automated notifications to staff based on specific event triggers. These include course registrations, newly created booked events and rental permits, and facility requests.
To be able to use this feature you must have a sever SMTP account configured and functioning. Instructions for this can be seen here. If you are able to see 'Notification Options' under the main 'File' menu then your server account has been set up.
Each type of notification will have its own specific setup that determines who gets notifications for the corresponding module.
1. Courses
Types of notifications
- Max Enrollment Attended - Sent when the course roster has reached its maximum allowed.
- Min Enrollment Attended - Sent when the course minimum number of roster spots has been met.
- Did not Meet Minimum Enrollment - If the total number of roster spots is less than the minimum requirement X number of days before the start date a notification is sent.
- Registration Processed (In-house) - New registration that was done by a staff member through the shopping cart module.
- Registration Processed (Online) - New registration that occurred online.
- Participant Added to Wait List - Sent when a new wait list spot is taken.
- Participant Removed from Roster with People on the Wait List - If one or more customers exist on the wait list and someone is removed from the main roster a notification is sent.
- Participant Removed from Roster with No People on Wait List - If no customers exist on the wait list and someone is removed from the main roster a notification is sent.
Either the course program manager, course instructor or both can receive these notifications. These are configured in the course setup screen seen here. The 'notify' check box must be marked for each corresponding position in order for that person to receive notifications for the specific course being configured.
2. Facilities
Types of notifications
- Facility Request - Newly created facility request.
- Facility Rental (In-House) - Newly created rental permit done by a staff member through the shopping cart module.
- Facility Rental (Online) - Newly created rental permit done online by a customer.
- Book Event Reservation - Newly created book event.
- Course Reservation - If a room is added to a course a notification is sent to the e-mail user of that location.
- Child Care Reservation - If a room is added to a child care a notification is sent to the e-mail user of that location.
Facilities have a three tier notification hierarchy that determines who gets notified of events. Those include the Room Email User, Facility Email User, and Default Facility Email User. RecPro will start with the room email user, if that does not exist it then looks for the main facility user, if that does not exist it will send the notification to the default facility email user.
Room Email User
Facility Email User
Default Facility Email User
Go to 'Setup' -> 'System Defaults' -> 'Default Setup'
3. How to Configure Which Notifications each Staff Member Receives
Staff who have been designated as an email user for either a course or facility can turn on and off what types of notifications they want to receive. There are two ways this can be done.
- The user themselves can go to 'File' -> 'Notification Options'
- An admin can go to 'Setup' -> 'Administrative Tools' -> 'Users / Groups' -> 'Users' -> 'Notification Options'
The email address which the notification will go to is the default address of the assigned RecPro user. This is seen under 'Setup' ->' Administrative Tools' -> 'Users / Groups' -> 'Users'.
4. Including an iCalendar Attachment to Facility Notifications
If an email user has the 'Include iCalendar Attachment' box checked under their notification option setup they will receive an .ics file attached on the notification emails they receive. This file can be uploaded into a third party calendar application that accepts this format.
How to upload an .ics file for commonly used calendars.
Outlook Windows App:
5. View History of Notifications Sent Out
You can use the Email History grid to view when system notifications were sent out and to whom they went to. You can also view the attached files of those notifications. Leave the 'Created By' filter blank in order to see ALL notifications that were sent for the date(s) being filtered.