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Membership Check In with Drop In

The membership check-in with drop in module is found by going to 'Memberships' -> 'Member Check In with Drop' and is used to validate, record, and purchase course drop-ins in conjunction with a membership card.  An example of this might be a senior center that offers various drop-in courses at the same facility.  A membership can be used to tie all these registrations together so that when that person scans in their attendance can be recorded.


Upon opening the membership check-in with drop in for the first time you will be asked to choose a scanning location.  This is entered as a facility and room.  The room location is optional.

This setup will be used to validate which drop-in courses are offered at the location you are at.  After scanned, the module will display all drop-ins for the current day and which of those courses have already been purchased by the customer.

In this example customer John Doe scanned in using a membership located at the 'Clinton Township Senior Center'.  The three courses shown all reside in this same location and have drop in courses available on August 1st, the day the scan was made.  John had already purchased the 'Senior Aerobics' drop in for August 1st so it shows as 'Already Registered'.

If we change the location of the membership and re-scan the members card you can then see that no courses are shown since the membership location does not match the scanning location.

You can change the scanning location at any time by pressing 'Change Location'.

Data Fields

You can also control what type of customer data is shown on the check-in screen after each scan.  These toggles are found under 'Setup' -> 'System Defaults' -> 'Default Setup' -> 'Memberships'.  Keep in mind that these toggles affect both the 'Member Check In' and 'Member Check In with Drop In'.

  1. Zoom Member Photo - If a member photo exists it will be shown with a 50% zoom.  The zoom will focus on the center of the photo so headshots must be centered for this feature to work properly.
  2. Display Balance*** - The account open and overdue balances will display when checked.
  3. Display Account Credit*** - The account open credits will display when checked.
  4. Display Gender - Determines whether or not the members gender is shown.
  5. Display Age/Birthdate - Determines whether or not the members age and birthdate are displayed.
  6. Display Documents Needed - If turned on a corresponding field will display showing how many documents need attention for the customer being scanned in.  Those can be seen by pressing 'Manage Documents'.
  7. Drop-In Courses View - Toggles how available courses are displayed.



*** Indicates a field that can degrade check-in performance due to being data intensive.  Turn off to improve check-in speed.

How to set up Courses

In order for a course to show up in the 'Membership Check In with Drop In' screen it must meet the following criteria.

1.  The course registration type must be set to 'Drop In' or 'Both'.

2.  The course must reside in the same facility as the check in location.

3.  The course registration deadline date must be greater than the current date.

4.  The membership card being scanned must be tied to a membership that has a location that matches the course and check In locations.

Recording Attendance

If a courses 'Track Attendance' is turned on, you will be prompted to take attendance when the customer scans in for the day of their drop in session.  

If you want RecPro to automatically record a customer 'Present' when a drop in is purchased you can turn on 'Auto Record Drop-In Attendance' under 'Setup' -> 'System Defaults' -> 'Default Setup' -> 'Memberships'.

Membership Activity with Drop In Report

You can view who has scanned through the 'Membership Check In with Drop In' module by using the 'Activity with Drop In' report under 'Reports' -> 'Memberships'.  This report will only show customers who were marked as 'Present' through the check in module.  If the attendance was marked 'Present' in a different area of the software (ex. Shopping Cart)  they will not display on this report.

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