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Health and Wellness Memberships

This article goes over how to setup and record activity for health and wellness programs such as Silver Sneakers.

1.  Creating a 'Health and Wellness Membership'

When creating a membership that is to be used specifically for a health and wellness program mark the 'Health and Wellness Membership' checkbox within the setup screen.

2. Record Program ID Number in Customer Record

In order to record the activity of a health and wellness member you must record that persons ID number beforehand.  The health and wellness ID for each customer is recorded in their RecPro account under 'Customers' -> 'Customers'. Once you have their account opened go to the 'Family Members' tab and add the 'Health and Wellness ID' column by using the column chooser.

3. View and Export Membership Activity 

Once the customer purchases a health and wellness membership and scans in using the 'Membership Check-in' module you can begin viewing that activity under 'Reports' -> 'Memberships' -> 'Health and Wellness Activity'.  You can use the report filter to view specific memberships, scan dates, and scan times.