How to Install a Cash Drawer
RecPro give users two different ways to connect a cash drawer to their PC.
NOTE: The Point of Sale application has it's own unique cash drawer setup which is outlined later in this article.
Connected directly to a PC
In order to connect a cash drawer directly to a PC, a USB adapter is needed. This device converts the RJ-12 cable coming out of the drawer to a USB type-A connector which plugs into the PC or USB hub. Currently we recommend the POS-X EVO CD USB adapter.
NOTE: The RJ-12 cable looks similar to a RJ-11 telephone cable. They have a different pin configuration, however, making the RJ-11 cable incompatible with a cash drawer setup. Use the cable provided with the POS-X EVO USB adapter for best results.
Once all cables have been plugged into their corresponding devices, you must install the Windows driver for the EVO CD adapter.
Windows 10 Download:
Once installed, the adapter will be assigned a COM port number which can be seen in the Windows Device Manager as 'Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port'. The number your COM port is assigned may vary. This will be needed in a later step.
If you are running Windows 11 you will need to install an older version of this same driver. See Windows 11 instructions at the end of this page.
Now that the USB adapter is installed, you are ready to configure RecPro to work with the drawer. Log into RecPro and go to 'Setup' -> 'Device Manager' -> 'Cash Drawer Setup'. Select 'Cash Drawer Connected to Computer'. Under 'Com Port' select the number which is seen in the Windows Device Manager for this device.
Pressing 'Test' at this pint should result in a successful drawer pop. This button will only display if the logged in user has cash drawer privileges. This can be turned on under 'Setup' -> 'Administrative Tools' -> 'Users / Groups'. Select the desired user and press 'Program Options'. Mark 'Allow Opening Cash Drawer' on.
If you have the RecPro Point of Sale application installed you will also need to setup the cash drawer within that application. This can be done in the same manner by pressing 'Device Setup' at the login screen.
Connected Directly to a Receipt Printer
You also have the option to connect the cash drawer directly to a receipt printer. In this scenario the same RJ-12 cable will run from the cash drawer directly into the receipt printer. The receipt printer is then connected directly to the PC via a USB cable. We typically recommend the POS-X thermal printer seen here.
NOTE: Receipt Printer requires the manufacturer Windows Driver installed before continuing.
NOTE: Wizmo (Cloud Hosted) customers will also be required to install a necessary Screwdrivers application. This is needed for cash drawer and printer functionality to work over remote desktop. The newest Screwdrivers version 7.2 or higher can be downloaded here. Once installed, reboot the users PC and continue with the steps below.
Once all cables have been connected, log into RecPro. Go to 'Setup' -> 'Device Manager' -> 'Cash Drawer Setup'. Select 'Cash Drawer Connected to Printer'. Press 'OK'.
NOTE: The default control code is confirmed for POS-X Thermal printers. It may work on other manufactures and models but it may not. If you are you having issues with your drawer popping you should consult with your receipt printer manufacturer to obtain the proper control code for your model.
Before the cash drawer will work properly, you also must select the receipt printer its connected to under the 'Printer Setup' within the Shopping Cart module. Go to 'Shopping Cart' -> 'Shopping Cart'. Close the 'Find Customer' search window. Press 'Printer Setup'. Press 'Credit Card and Small Sales Receipt' and select the receipt printer model that your cash drawer is connected to.
At this point you can now utilize the 'Open Cash Drawer' button to test the drawers functionality. This button will only display if the logged in user has cash drawer privileges. This can be turned on under 'Setup' -> 'Administrative Tools' -> 'Users / Groups'. Select the desired user and press 'Program Options'. Mark 'Allow Opening Cash Drawer' on.
If you have the RecPro Point of Sale application installed you will also need to setup the cash drawer within that application. This can be done in the same manner by pressing 'Device Setup' at the login screen.
Cash Drawer Usage Report
You can view who has opened the cash drawer and when under 'Reports' -> 'Financial' -> 'Cash Drawer Report'.
Windows 11 Driver Install
If using the USB Cash Drawer Adapter along with Windows 11 you will have to revert the Prolific driver to an older version.
Windows 11 Compatible Driver:
Because you are rolling the driver backwards, Windows may attempt to automatically update it to the newest version at a later time. You can help prevent this by blocking any auto updates to this driver.
To prevent Windows from automatically installing the newer version of this driver again you can follow the instructions here: