RecPro Desktop Maintenance Release 1.37.0
ReCPro Feature Enhancement
- Improved the communication with the Forte Vx520 and V400C devices so there is faster response time from the devices. This is particularly noticeable for the ReCPro cloud hosted users.
- Improved the speed of all roster reports (courses, child care, league, and coaches).
ReCPro Defects That Have Been Fixed
- Fixed a problem in the Defaults Setup program for how the section ‘Auto Set Tentative to Firm’ was working on the Facility/Room tab page. This will no longer change the status during a refund or when the rental is cancelled. It will only work when payments are received and the status is currently ‘tentative’.
Shopping Cart Module
- Fixed a problem with editing a payment method in the Shopping Cart, Receipt History tab page, if there were multiple payment methods on the receipt. The program was not allowing an edit in this case.
Customer Module
- Corrected a problem with the “Map” button not displaying maps properly in the Customers program. A recent change in Google had broken this function.
- Fixed the camera function in the Customers program so the ReCPro cloud hosted users can take the picture directly through this program now.
Courses Module
- Corrected a bug that would cause the program to crash if a registration option that someone was already registered for on a course was made inactive. The program will now allow an edit so a different available registration option can be selected.
Facilities Module
- Corrected a problem with the map not displaying properly in the Facilities program. A recent change in Google had broken this function.
- Corrected a problem with the map not displaying properly in the Areas program. A recent change in Google had broken this function.