How to Refund Against Original Site Location
Beginning November 4th, 2023 Card Connect will require that all refunds be made against the same merchant account that was used on the original card payment. This means that RecPro users will have to be logged into the site location that matches the original card payment when refunding that item. For example, if a payment was originally done online, the refund for that receipt will have to occur while logged into the site tied to your web module. This article will go over how to perform this.
NOTE: We are working on an update to RecPro to perform these steps automatically so that you can continue refunding from any site location no matter how the original payment was made. Until that update is available, the manual steps below will have to be made.
If you attempt to refund under a different site location than the original after 11/4 you may get the following error message (Transaction not found). If this happens you can back out and follow the steps below.
1. Before beginning your refund process, verify which site location the original payment was made under. You can view this in the customer shopping cart under the 'Payment History' tab.
2. Once you have the site name, sign out of RecPro and go back to the login screen. Change the 'Site' drop down to the name seen in step 1 and log in using your normal user name and password.
3. At this point your ready to perform your refund. Go back to the customers shopping cart and press 'Refund'. Select the original transaction and add it to their cart. Finally press checkout and finalize the refund by processing the card.
IMPORTANT: Once you complete the customers refund, you'll need to log out of RecPro and then back in again but this time with your default site. If you do not do this, all of your subsequent transactions will be done under the refund site you changed to.