RecPro has a very limited support for turnstile operation. When configured, RecPro will send a command to open your turnstile when a successful membership card swipe is initiated in the 'Membership Check-in' module.
You can enable and configure the turnstile COM port and relay delay under 'Setup' -> 'Device Manger' -> 'Turnstile Setup'
We currently do not have a list of supported brands of turnstiles. Development used the relay circuit board found at this link to create the code being used to send relay signals.
We are using the following code to generate the relay response:
NCD.NCDComponent NCDPro; NCDPro.PortName = Convert.ToString(cmbComPort.EditValue); NCDPro.BaudRate = 9600; NCDPro.OpenPort(); NCDPro.R2x.TurnOnRelay(0); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( Convert.ToInt32(this. SpinEdit1.Text)); NCDPro.R2x.TurnOffRelay(0); NCDPro.ClosePort();