How to Display Courses Online
There are a number of settings and variables that must be met for a course to display online.
1. The course must be marked as 'Show Online'. In the course setup screen make sure 'Display Online' is marked. If you also want your patrons to be able to register this course on your website you must also mark 'Register Online'. You have further settings that will allow you to continue displaying the course online if its canceled or if the registration deadline has passed. Those additional settings are off by default.
2. Make sure the Course registration deadline is set to a future date. This is located on the 'Schedule' tab of the course entry screen. If the registration date is in the past and 'Display Online if Registration Deadline Passed' is NOT checked then the course won't display on your website.
3. Mark the course category that your coursed is tied to is set to 'Show Online'. This is 'ON' by default. You can find this setup under 'Courses' -> 'Setup Options' -> 'Categories / Sub-categories'
4. The season which the course resides in must be marked as 'Published'. This setting is found under 'Courses' -> 'Setup Options' -> 'Seasons'. Publishing the season will place all courses within that season online.